By Daniel Berlind, CEO of Spirited on Jan 20, 2022

Spirited Fraud YIR Header-2

Forensic Check

Top 5 Types of Document Fraud in 2021


1.  Failed Font Detection
Using different fonts than what the known document should have. This occurs frequently when editing because the fraudster doesn't know what the right fonts are - but Spirited does!

2.  DocPath Fail
Using a different application or producer than the known document should have.

3.  Visual Fail
A clear visual edit i.e., shifting the values, so that it looks like you earned more money.

4.  Text Insertion
Inserting text or numbers to the document. A common example is making $1,345 look like $13,450.

5.  Date Fraud
This is when the created date is before the document time frame. This occurs when applicants are trying to make it seem like they're still earning the money that they once earned.



Spirited - Fraud YIR - Bottom CTA


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