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Detect Fraud. Decrease Evictions.

Data-driven fraud detection software spots fraudulent financial documents other tenant screening tools ignore.

“We are really happy with this service. Spirited has helped us catch countless fraud applications here, which immediately translates to less of a headache for us as a staff.”

Matthew P. Gray, ARM®, CCRM®Community Manager, Park Fifth

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2022 Spirited State of Apartment Tenant Screening Survey
Spirited recently conducted a survey of 230 US property managers to better understand today’s challenges.
Learn what we found and how property managers are preparing to fight back.
Spirited 2022 State of Applicant Verification Survey rev K 2022-07-18

Fake Income Documents Impact Properties Nationwide

Applicants are falsifying financial documents like paychecks and bank statements and submitting them in their applications.
In fact, 1 in 8 rental (12%) applications contains some type of fraud.

The digitization of the rental application process has led to rampant application fraud. In the past year, 85% of property managers have experienced application fraud, which accounts for an estimated 25% of evictions. At $7,500 or more per eviction, this is an expensive problem.

Hover over the map to see the fraud rates.
Data reflects fraud rates in 2021. National averages are used where no data is available.


Detect Fake Financial Documents with Spirited

The best way to avoid evictions is to thoroughly screen tenant applications—yet it’s easier than ever for tenants to alter documentation, such as pay stubs and bank statements, so they can fraudulently qualify for units. Spirited flags those fake documents helping properties to greatly reduce costly evictions.

Reduce Fraud-2

Reduce Fraud with Certainty

Detect more fraudulent documents with advanced data-driven forensics methods.

Manual Screening

Screen Tenants Faster

Streamline the application and screening process so you can make informed decisions quickly.

Reduce Costs-2

Reduce Costs

Reduce time spent evaluating documents and evicting tenants using our automated solution.

How it Works

Move Over Bank Account Linking and ID Scans

What you are doing today is not enough to catch sophisticated tenant fraud. Spirited will DETECT FAKE BANK STATEMENTS AND PAY STUBS. Spirited is the only platform that can minimize the risk of tenant fraud and bad debt with revolutionary data-driven fraud detection software.

By implementing Spirited into your current leasing flow, you can provide your team with the necessary tools to combat this unchecked problem.


The ROI of Tenant Fraud Prevention

Try out the ROI calculator to see how much your property could save.

Spirited seamlessly integrates into your leasing process and onboarding only takes 20 minutes on average.

Request a Demo

Client Testimonials

Spirited is a must-have for any property, but don't just take our word for it - see what our clients have to say.


Honestly, it’s one of the few services I have no complaints about!

Kayla Jantzi

Community Manager at Broadstone Cavora


I think Spirited has been beneficial in deterring fraudulent applicants from living at our community. We are really glad to utilize this service

Rita McDonald

Community Manager at Paramount Platinum Triangle


Thank you for all that you do. Spirited has been a game changer.

Valerie Lacy

CAM, CAPS, Regional Property Manager, Houston


We used to vet applications by hand. That took upwards of three days, and we had a high number of applicants bowing out as a result. With Spirited, we’ll submit the resident’s information and we have an answer in less than a day — often just an hour.

Nicole Ballard

Community Director at Annadel Apartments


Spirited verifies the proof of income within 24 hours! Love it. It has taken so much of the investigation process off of the site team. Not to mention the response from the client when the documents don't pass is at times priceless.

Dovie Culver

Leasing Specialist, Marquette Management


Spirited is simple, inexpensive and accurate. Our onsite team is happy and that means Catalyst is happy.

Laine Gomez

Operations at Catalyst

Eric Johnson

Property managers are a tight group, we talk to each other all the time. I’ve been telling everyone I know about Spirited. I tell them that even if you don’t have a lot of fraud, it’s still a good system to have in place so you avoid the risk.

Eric Johnson

Business Manager at NoHo 14

I am thrilled with the product and the service. This is a MUST need for every property management company!

Melissa Meyer

Director of Property Management


Wow. Thank you for your great service! I would like to think I could tell when there's fraud involved, and usually, I can... but not this time, which makes this specific case a prime example of why we need your services. I'm happy and thankful that you saved us from a big problem down the road!

Shane Star

Shane Star


We are really happy with this service. Spirited has helped us catch countless fraud applications here, which immediately translates to less of a headache for us as a staff.

Matthew P. Gray, ARM®, CCRM®

Community Manager, Park Fifth


Love it! First time ever that I had an ATL lease-up at 90%+ with $50 delinquent. We love trailblazing at Pegasus Residential!

Ellie Norton

Pegasus Residential

Nikki Law - Burano Logo

Spirited is an amazing fraud detection software that has saved my investors money across the board. I am now with a new management company that is adding Spirited to their programs and I am SUPER excited to work with the Spirited team once again. This service pays for itself 200%. I cannot express how imperative this fraud detection is!

Nikki Law

Community Manager

Silvia Morales Eurus

Wanted to take a moment and say thank you for the wonderful service you guys provide. We were able to set a record lease up and to my knowledge there hasn't been any tenants that have gotten in with fraud. It’s made the property a breeze to manage. We can't live without Spirited.

Silvia Morales

Community Manager, Eurus at Miramar

Stephanie Mathieu

I launched the program across my entire portfolio, and seeing how many fraudulent applications Spirited catches monthly, never ceases to amaze me. Thanks to Spirited, the team can rely on a third-party system to help verify application documents, and our process is much more streamlined. Highly recommended!

Stephanie Mathieu

Regional Property Manager at Lincoln Property Company

Tiffany Arick

The increase in fraudulent applicants in the last 24 months has been astounding. I’ve definitely noticed spikes as Federal moratoriums have been lifted. Not only does your software save us the high expense of an eviction, but the soft costs are worth highlighting as well. My teams no longer have the burden of playing detective. Such a fantastic product.

Tiffany Arick

Regional Portfolio Manager at First Communities
